As the famous expression goes, "everything with some restraint." However when you choose not to regard watchfulness and take excessively a lot, terrible things occur. At the point when you consume a lot of something you're simply intended to consume in modest quantities, it can affect your cerebrum and body. With some restraint, it's protected. In any case, assuming you glut on these things, the following are a couple of stunning things that can happen to you.
Eating an excessive amount of fiber makes you obstructed.
The general purpose of fiber is to assist your solid discharges with turning out to be more standard. In any case, here's the trick: you'll be obstructed in the event that you eat no fiber, and assuming you gorge fiber, exactly the same thing occurs! On the off chance that you eat a ton of high-fiber food varieties yet additionally take fiber supplements, you're likely going overboard and will wind up hindering your entrails. On the off chance that you have an excess of fiber, it can cause stoppage, squeezes, bulging, and, surprisingly, a mass called a phytobezoar, which expects a medical procedure to eliminate in the event that you take a lot of fiber in a short measure of time.

Eating colloidal silver turns you into a Smurf
Ok, well, maybe it won’t literally turn you into a Smurf, but this liquid form of silver will turn your skin blue — permanently. Some folks seem to think that this substance is a miracle cure for various ailments, including allergies and sinusitis, but unless you want to look like an extraterrestrial being, it’s really not worth it. In fact, there’s no proof that colloidal silver can fix any illness or condition. In fact, metals can be toxic when ingested in large amounts.

Drinking an excess of soy milk can cause lactation
Soy is a controversial ingredient, and the main reason behind that is due to belief that it will impact estrogen levels in your body. While having a little bit of soy every day is in no way bad for you, consuming an insanely excessive amount can lead to bizarre things. In one strange case, a middle-aged man grew breasts and began to lactate. The cause was discovered to be too much soy milk. He drank a staggering three quarts of soy milk, or 12 cups, daily!

Too much Beta Carotene turns you into an Oompa Loompa
Just like how a lot of colloidal silver can turn you blue, eating too many carrots can turn you orange! While carrot consumption is fantastic for your eyes, eating too many carrots or drinking too much carrot juice with reckless abandon can cause some issues. It can look like a fake tan gone wrong. Several years ago, kids in the UK started turning orange when they drank too much Sunny D. Luckily, if you stop consuming in large amounts, that orange hue should disappear over time.

An excess of melatonin causes insomnia and nightmares
The natural supplement melatonin is designed to help your body sleep, and it’s generally considered safer than sleeping pills. That being said, if you take too much melatonin, adverse side effects such as excessive drowsiness, headaches, and dizziness can occur. Some users even report nightmares. But the worst possible thing is that when you overdose on melatonin, it can cause insomnia since the substance begins to confuse your brain.

Over-consumption of caffeine causes sound hallucinations
Many of us drink caffeinated beverages to provide that extra dose of energy and alertness on a daily basis, but weirdly enough, you can actually get high on caffeine. When you consume an insanely high amount of coffee, adrenaline receptors are triggered, and auditory hallucinations are one of the symptoms that can occur, as well as potential psychosis. Don’t drink more than four cups of coffee if you don’t want to lose your mind or start hearing things that aren’t there.

Essential oil overdose with aspirin
In recent years, essential oils have become a natural alternative to store-bought medicine. Still, some believe that they don’t do anything. In reality, essential oils can have some benefits. Wintergreen oil can help with issues like arthritis, but when combined with aspirin, which many people are doing, it can cause a toxic overdose. Wintergreen is naturally high in methyl salicylate, an ingredient in aspirin.

Too much Vitamin C leads to kidney stones in men
Many of us take Vitamin C regularly to avoid getting sick, but this antioxidant can have downsides for men. Taking more than a gram of vitamin C daily can lead to kidney stones in men. This shouldn’t be an issue as long as they’re taking the suggested daily dose. As far as women, there is no direct evidence, but the same logic follows: vitamin C breaks down into oxalate, which are calcified crystals.

Nitrate-containing products and beef jerky can intensify mania symptoms
Nitrates are a kind of salt used to preserve cured meats, and they’re a common ingredient in beef jerky. But if you already suffer from mental illness issues, eating a high amount of foods with nitrates can worsen issues. If you consume a ton of beef jerky or similar products and suffer from mental health problems, it might be good to consult with a doctor.

Too much anti-diarrheal medicine might trigger opioid receptors
Some medical groups are attacking Loperamide, a popular anti-diarrhea OTC medication. But why? Strangely enough, it’s considered a drug that people can potentially abuse. Loperamide is a synthetic opioid agonist that blocks the stomach’s opioid receptors and, hence, speeds up the gut’s processes. However, when taking a very large amount of it, this medication can cross the blood-brain barrier, giving people an opioid high! It can also cause heart problems.