What comes to mind when you think of Marvel Comics? If you are not a hardcore Marvel fan, the first thing that you can probably think about is superheroes like Iron Man, Thor, maybe Spiderman, or pretty much every character from the Avengers franchise. But what about the company itself? How much do you know about the company that created the world’s most beloved superheroes? Read on to learn some really crazy factss about one of the largest entertainment companies.
Michael Jackson wanted to be Spiderman
Did you know that Michael Jackson wanted to buy the Marvel comics so he could produce the movie and play Spiderman in the same movie.

Ninja Turtles and Daredevil were exposed to the same radioactive waste
In other words, these guys come from the same accident. Matt Murdock was hit by a speeding truck that happened to carry radioactive waste. The same truck kept going and allegedly hit a man who was carrying four baby turtles. This theory has never been made official but it wasn’t denied either.

“With great power comes great responsibility.”
This is undeniably the most famous and the most quoted phrase from all the comics, but as it turns out uncle Ben never really said these exact words. The original quote reads “And a lean, silent figure slowly fades into the gathering darkness, aware at last that in this world, with great power must also come – great responsibility!”. But apparently they decided to make it shorter for the movie. And it worked.

Marvel trademarked the “snikt”, “thwip” and… the word “zombie”
Yes, yes, yes, you heard it right! As weird and funny as it sounds, Marvel actually owns the rights of those sounds. “Snikt” is the sound Wolverine’s claws make when emerging from his fists, and “thwip” is the sound Spidey’s web makes when he shoots it. As for “zombie”, the publisher owned the name for 20 years, from 1976 to 1996. They had to give it up as the word appeared in a number of horror movies and books before it even became a thing for Marvel comics.

Marvel Headquarters have always been based in the Big Apple
Most Marvel stories took place in NYC and there is a logical explanation to that. It’s quite simple – Marvel headquarters have always been based in New York. The Marvel offices could be found on various famous streets. Today, the company is located on West 50th, along with other famous names in publishing, such as Sports Illustrated and Entertainment Weekly.

Chris Evans didn’t want to play Captain America in the first place
Initially, Chris Evens didn’t want to sign up for yet another string of bad superhero movies (given his bad experience with The Fantastic Four). But, luckily for the entire mankind, he had some seconds thoughts and decided to take the job so we could have the best Captain America the Universe has to offer.

The Rocket Raccoon was inspired by the Beatles song
Before becoming one of the most beloved and recognisable characters, both the name and the mentality, in the Marvel Universe, Rocket Raccoon was a Rocky Raccoon from the same titled song by the Beatles.

Darth Vader was inspired by Doctor Doom
As it turns out George Lucas is a great fan of Marvel Comics so it’s no wonder Darth Vader looks very much like Doctor Doom.

Nick Fury was specifically designed to look like Samuel L. Jackson
Years before Samuel Jackson appeared on Avengers playing Nick Fury, re-imagined Fury from the comic books was deliberately designed to resemble Samuel Jackson. Was it a marketing strategy or something else? We’ll never know.

Marvel created the Transformers Universe
When Hasbro bought the toys from the Japanese toy company Takara, they needed a new name for their new rebranding strategy. Hasbro approached Marvel with the request to help come up with the new name.